2023 City of Hobart

The 2023 City of Hobart tournament is running on the 14th and 15th of October at the STBA, 101 Cascade Road, Hobart. Entries are now open and close on 8th October 2023 at 11:59PM, which is the same time as the Withdrawal Deadline.

We are excited to offer $4,000 on offer across all events*! Read further for a breakdown of the prizes on offer.

*In events where there are less than 4 entries, a revised prize structure will apply.

What events are there?

  • Singles

  • Doubles

  • Mixed Doubles

The above disciplines will be available across the following grades

  • Open

  • A Reserve Grade

  • B Grade

  • C Grade

  • D Grade

  • Social (E Grade & below)

  • U13

  • U15

  • U17

  • U19

Dependent on entries, events may be combined or cancelled. In these situations, we will advise you in advance and you can decide whether to enter the new combined event, or if you would prefer a refund.

The following is the accepted maximum number of events that one player can enter:

  • Adults can enter a maximum of 4 events across 2 grades, while Juniors can enter 5 events. Please review the full Tournament Regulations through the Tournament Software link below.

Please be aware you must be ready to play when called on and any absent players will be forfeited – this needs to be done so that all players can take the court at appropriate times so there is no delay to others and the event. 

How do I know what Grade I am in?

You must look for your name on our current grading list (Click here). This list is indicative and the STBA reserves the right to make any adjustments to a player’s division(s) they have entered prior to the tournament. If you are unsure, or would like your grading reviewed, please contact [email protected], and your query will be relayed to the state-wide sub-committee for tournament grading.

How much do events cost to enter?

  • Open Singles – $30

  • Open Doubles/Mixed Doubles – $20 per player

  • A & B  Singles – $25

  • A & B Doubles/Mixed Doubles – $15 per player

  • C & D Singles – $15

  • C & D Doubles/Mixed Doubles – $10

  • E Grade and Underage Singles (under 13, 15, 17, 19) – $25 (Shuttles included)

  • E Grade and Underage Doubles – $20 per player (Shuttles included)

What is the prize structure?

The 2023 STBA Spring Championships will offer the following prizes:

Event 1st 2nd
Open Singles $200.00 $80.00
Open Doubles $200.00 $80.00
A Res Singles $150.00 $60.00
A Res Doubles $150.00 $60.00
B Singles $100.00 $40.00
B Doubles $100.00 $40.00
C Singles $60.00 $20.00
C Doubles $60.00 $20.00
D Singles $45.00 $10.00
D Doubles $45.00 $10.00
E Singles $30.00 $10.00
E Doubles $30.00 $10.00
Underage* Singles $30.00 $10.00
Underage* Doubles $30.00 $10.00

*Underage events include under 13’s, 15’s, 17’s, and 19’s

If an event is cancelled or does not have enough entries, the prizes above will change.

How do I enter?

Follow this link (click here) and it will take you to the site used to register.