Membership Sign-Up

Your Details

First Name
Family Name
Gender of player
Date of Birth
Phone (xx)xxxx xxxx or Mobile Number (04) xxxx xxxx
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
State or Region

Parent/Guardian Information (if player is under 18)

If the nominating player is under 18 they need to provide the details of a parent or guardian.

Parent/Guardian Last name if player is under 18
Parent/Guardian Contact Number
Parent/Guardian Email

Emergency Contact Details

First Name
Family Name
Phone (xx)xxxx xxxx or Mobile Number (04) xxxx xxxx

If you are interested in learning more about how you can play or get involved, please check out our website which has information around the different sessions we run ( and upcoming events ( Please also feel free to contact us at [email protected]. When booking a court please allow up to 72 hours for your membership status to be updated on Skedda.

Payment Details

STBA Membership will end on the 30th June 2025. The membership per financial year is $30.

Payments can be made by Paypal or Credit Card following submission of this form, in person to the STBA Canteen or via direct debit/bank deposit.

Please send us an email at [email protected] requesting bank details if you wish to make a payment via direct/bank deposit.

If you need to make any notes about your payment, please provide them below:

Payment comments
If you wish to pay online by paypal or credit card, select your fee here, otherwise leave blank.

Your membership will not be confirmed with the STBA until your payment has been made, so please ensure to note if you will pay at the centre, or ensure you select to pay online.

Members Code of Conduct 

Introduction: This Members Code of Conduct serves as a guideline for individuals who are members of the STBA and users of the STBA facilities. It outlines the principles and expectations that contribute to a positive and respectful environment within the organization. All members and users are expected to adhere to these standards to ensure a harmonious and inclusive community. 

  1. Respect for Others: Members are expected to treat each other with respect and courtesy. Harassment, discrimination, or any form of disrespectful behaviour based on race, gender, age, religion, disability, or any other characteristic will not be tolerated.
  2. Inclusivity and Diversity: Members should actively promote and embrace diversity within the organization. Discrimination and exclusion based on differences are contrary to the values of our community. Everyone is encouraged to contribute to an inclusive and welcoming environment.
  3. Responsible Communication: Members are responsible for their communication within the organization. This includes online and offline interactions, ensuring that language and behaviour are considerate and constructive. Disagreements should be expressed in a respectful manner.
  4. Compliance with Rules and Policies: Members must adhere to the rules, policies, and guidelines set forth by the organization. Familiarity with these rules is important, and members should seek clarification if they are unsure about any aspect of the guidelines.
  5. 5. Contribution to the Community: Members are encouraged to actively contribute to the goals and activities of the organization. This includes participating in discussions, volunteering, and supporting initiatives that align with the community's mission.
  6. Conflict Resolution: In the event of conflicts or disagreements, members should seek resolution through open communication and dialogue. Escalating issues to appropriate channels or following established conflict resolution procedures is encouraged.
  7. Responsible Use of Resources: Members should use organizational resources responsibly, whether physical or digital. Misuse or unauthorized access to resources may result in disciplinary actions.
  8. Compliance: Members are expected to comply with all applicable laws, policies and procedures while participating in STBA activities or when using STBA facilities.

Members will follow the directions of STBA employees and officials (when provided) promptly and respectfully.  

  1. Sportsmanship: Members should uphold a high standard of sportsmanship in all interactions. This includes refraining from personal attacks, maintaining a positive attitude, and contributing to a constructive atmosphere.
  2. Reporting Violations: Members who become aware of any violations of this code of conduct should promptly report them to the appropriate authority within the organization. Reports will be treated confidentially, and no retaliation will be taken against individuals who make good-faith reports.

Conclusion: Adherence to this Members Code of Conduct is crucial for fostering a positive and inclusive environment within the STBA Community. By embracing these principles, members contribute to the success and well-being of the community as a whole. Violations may result in appropriate disciplinary actions, including potential suspension or expulsion from the STBA. 

Top of Form 


Additional Information: 

Adherence to this code of conduct is compulsory for all STBA members, and by becoming a member you have agreed to comply with this code at all times.