
Junior Programs

At the STBA we offer many junior programs throughout the year for junior players of all levels and abilities. These programs are aimed at providing junior players with fun opportunities to play badminton and also facilitate their growth and development. 

The programs currently run by the STBA are:

2024 STBA Junior Championships

STBA is pleased to announce we are holding the annual STBA Junior Championships 2024 on Saturday 7th December. This is the final badminton event of the year and a culmination of all the training and junior based rosters being ran at STBA throughout the year. This is the perfect entry level tournament for our junior players who have not played in tournaments previously.

Watch this space, registrations will open in October for this event.

School Holiday Clinics

An opportunity for juniors to participate in a 3-day program to develop their game through expert coaching. Registrations are open for our July 2024 holiday clinic, click here for more details.

Beginner and Intermediate Coaching Programs & Super Smash Program (Junior Roster)

Each term the STBA runs both a Junior Coaching program and the Super Smash Junior Roster on a Saturday afternoon. 

The junior coaching program is a 1-hour coaching program for beginner and intermediate players. Throughout the coaching program, players will learn to improve their badminton skills, shots, technique, fitness, footwork and strategy.

The Super Smash Program is the ultimate way for kids to develop their game and play badminton in a challenging, fun, teams and supportive environment. Simply put, the Super Smash Program is a roster competition that juniors participate in directly after the coaching program. 

Registrations are now open for Term 3 2024 Super Smash and Junior Coaching. Click here for details.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to send an email to [email protected].

Schools Roster

The STBA Schools roster is an opportunity for schools to compete against each other in a fun and friendly environment.

In 2024 the STBA will be running the High Schools Roster in Term 2 and the Colleges Roster in Term 3 both rosters are played on a Friday afternoon at the STBA and school venues throughout Southern Tasmania.

To register your school team for the 2024 High School and College Rosters please email [email protected]

By-laws, scoresheets and fixtures will be uploaded here prior to the rosters commencing. 

All Abilities Session

An opportunity for children of all abilities, who live with a disability to come to join us if you’d love to learn a new skill or socialise in an hour of fun playing some badminton. 

As of January 2022, Badminton Tasmania have now taken over the STBA All Abilities program, check out their website for more information.


If you have any questions regarding any programs, please do not hesitate to send an email to [email protected]